A lab for rest & rejuvenation
Want to supercharge your day?
Try our Walkshops
Recent Reflections
BREAKWEEK Implementation Guide & Resources
BREAKWEEK is an organizational-wide closure where staff take time-off at the same time, providing everyone on the team with a synchronized vacation. As a result of our pilot BREAKWEEK Grant Program, we’ve created a public Implementation & Resource Guide to give guidance on how to think about, prepare for and implement a BREAKWEEK at your organization.
Sabbatical Reflections from Asher
“Twenty years ago, I was in grad school, searching for community and feeling split at the root: I had my Jewish world and my gay world. But they didn’t meet. That’s when I founded JQ International…
The sabbatical really allowed me to think about myself for the first time in 20 years: What do I want? What do I need? What's missing in my life?”
Want the best results at work? Develop a rest ethic.
Your rest ethic matters as much as your work ethic. Similar to how a work ethic is an expression of an institution or individual’s values around work, a rest ethic can help a team or person have an orientation towards rest and its integration with the work.
Walkshops are moving meditations. Built for all bodies and capabilities, they are opportunities to take a break from typical workdays and ground ourselves in the outside world. Participation can take place via phone from whereever is most comfortable for you. The Walkshops shared below are open to the public - invite your colleagues, friends & family! More information on Walkshops here.